Cyberia Layer:04

前作『Cyberia Layer:03』から3年、今回のアルバム収録曲は「Fulfill The Prophecy(預言を実行せよ)」や「Memory Is Just A Record(記憶なんてただの記録)」など、多くの曲がアニメ『シリアルエクスペリメンツレイン』の重要なキーワードがタイトルに使用されています。ジャンルもTechno, House, Trance, Breaks, Drum & Bass, Chill Out, Rockなど様々。Remixあり、歌モノありの多彩なJJの世界を堪能して下さい。もちろん、今回もジャケットアートは安倍吉俊氏がこのアルバムのために描いたイラストレーションです。
Three years after the last album, "Cyberia Layer:03," many of the songs on this album, such as "Fulfill The Prophecy" and "Memory Is Just A Record," are titled with keywords from the anime "Serial Experiments Lain. The album also includes a variety of genres such as Techno, House, Trance, Breaks, Drum & Bass, Chill Out, Rock, etc. Enjoy JJ's diverse world of remixes and "Uta-mono" songs (with lyrics). Of course, the cover art for this album was also created by Yoshitoshi ABe, who specially drew the illustration for this album.